There are so many good writers that the odds of winning is high. I am happy and blessed to have won contest from Manila Mommy, Kikay Exchange, Manila Shopaholic and Komputer Sayantist.
Joining blogging contests are mentally taxing but rewarding! I often spend time on getting a catchy title that would appeal to the judge and give him some reason to go on reading until the last sentence. I am often on the lookout for avoidable mistakes that would ruin my chances of getting through my readers. In effect, I have learned writing techniques and improved my skills.
This Birthday and Beauty Giveaway would not be possible without the help of these wonderful sponsors.
My Journey to Life Something to Live By
Prosperity’s Desire Fashion and Passion Online
Seiko’s Diary My Online Journeys
Food and Culture Fashionably Trendy
Cotton Candy Buzz A Woman Remembers
Living Life to the Fullest Pinay Reviewer
BlankPixels- The Geek Side Online Mommy’s Corner
Rabago Family Escapades One Day Graphics
Travels and Explorations Anything and Everything’s Free
Cotton Candy Buzz Journey of a Dreamer
Learn to Earn from Home Babies and Contests
My Thoughts, My Heart, My Turf Life…and then some
To join this giveaway visit :
Contest runs until March 18, 2011